From Application to Admission

  1. STEP1

    Application and Document Submission

    Please send the application form and required documents by mail or directly to the school. Some courses might require a screening fee. Online application available, please click the button below for details.
    For foreign students, there are additional admission requirements. Please contact us for more information.

  2. STEP2


    Selection is based on essays, interviews, submitted works, and document screening.
    Selection contents and criteria differ depending on the course.

  3. STEP3

    Notification of Acceptance

    Applicants will be notified of the selection results within approximately 10 days after the selection.
    If you are accepted, we will send you the enrollment documents at the same time.

  4. STEP4

    Enrollment Fee and Tuition Payment

    Upon receiving notification of acceptance, applicants are required to pay the enrollment fee and tuition by the designated date.

  5. STEP5


    After confirming payment of the admission fee and tuition, etc., a certificate of admission will be issued.

Application Requirements for Each Course

Fashion Design Faculty

Course Name Years of Study Admission Capacity Enrollment Period
Design & Creation Course 60 April
Paris Exchange Course* 3 (2 years in Tokyo + 1 year in Paris) 30
English Course** 30
Intensive Course 30
  • *Additional French language classes are required to study in Paris.
  • ** Depending on the class composition, the third year may be taught in Japanese.
  • Students who have completed the basic education level in fashion may transfer from the second year (transfer test required).

Saturday Course

Field of Study Course Name Years of Study Admission Capacity Enrollment Period
Fashion Design Stylism Course 1 AM/PM 30 April
Patternmaking & Sewing Modelism Course I 1 AM/PM 30
Modelism Course II 1 AM 20
Modelism Course III 1 AM 20
CAD Beginner Course 1 PM 15, 2 classes
  • If the minimum number of students is not reached, the course may not be offered.
  • Each course will close as soon as it reaches capacity.
  • It is possible to enroll in two different courses at the same time.

Fashion Luxury Course

Field of Study Course Name Years of Study Admission Capacity Enrollment Period
Fashion Business Fashion Luxury Course 1 30 April

CNAM Bachelor Course

Field of Study Course Name Years of Study Admission Capacity Enrollment Period
in the Fashion Industry
CNAM Bachelor Course* 1 25 June
  • If the minimum number of students is not reached, the course may not be offered.
  • We will close the program as soon as we reach capacity.

AO Entrance Exam

Fashion Design Faculty

Application Acceptance Period Exam Date
2024/6/1 (Sat) ~ 2024/6/29 (Sat) 7/6 (Sat)
2024/7/1 (Mon) ~ 2024/7/31 (Wed) 8/10 (Sat)
2024/8/1 (Thu) ~ 2024/8/31 (Sat) 9/7 (Sat)
2024/9/2 (Mon) ~ 2024/9/30 (Mon) 10/12 (Sat)
  • If the admission capacity is reached, the entrance examination may not be held.

General Entrance Exams

Fashion Design Faculty

Application Acceptance Period Exam Date
2024/10/1 (Tue) ~ 2024/10/31 (Thu) 11/9 (Sat)
2024/11/1 (Fri) ~ 2024/11/30 (Sat) 12/7 (Sat)
2024/12/2 (Mon) ~ 2024/12/28 (Sat) 2025/1/18 (Sat)
2025/1/6 (Mon) ~ 2025/1/31 (Fri) 2025/2/15 (Sat)
2025/2/1 (Sat) ~ 2025/3 onwards
  • If the admission capacity is reached, the entrance examination may not be held.

Entry Acceptance Period

Saturday Course

2024/6/1 (Sat) ~ 2025/3/31 (Mon)

※Each course will close as soon as it reaches capacity, so please register as soon as possible!
※No examinations

Fashion Luxury Course

2024/9/30 (Mon) ~ 2025/3/31 (Mon)
※There is an interview. For more details, please contact us.

CNAM Bachelor Course

2025/1/6 (Mon) ~ 2025/5/30 (Fri)
※No examinations

Request materials

Individual guidance

Applications and Entrance Exams

Request materials

Individual guidance

Applications and Entrance Exams